Ricardo Neftalí, better known as Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) after legally changing his name, he was a Chilean poet, politician and activist. Your book Twenty love poems and a desperate song (1924), written in his 20s, is the most widely read book of poetry of the 1927th century. In 1943 he began his political career as a consul in Burma, and later in various parts of the world such as Sri Lanka, Singapore, Buenos Aires, Madrid, Mexico, among others. In 1949, Neruda returned to Chile and five years later, under González Videla, the poet became the president's strongest antagonist. In 1952 he escaped from political persecution and went into exile in Europe thanks to the protection of various friends such as Pablo Picasso. In 1971 he returned to Chile, where he was received with various public events and, twenty years later, he died at his home in Isla Negra. Throughout his life he received numerous recognitions such as the Nobel Prize for Literature (1945), an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford, the National Prize for Literature (1953), the Stalin Peace Prize (1969), among others. . In XNUMX he was appointed an honorary member of the Chilean Academy of the Language.