Artemio y el Caleuche

De Maria de los Angeles Pavez 
Illustrated by Pigeon Valdivia

The Caleuche is a red-lit ghost ship that sails the seas of Chiloé and southern Chile. It is said that it collects the castaways on its underwater navigation. Artemio, a Chilote boy, discovers his story.

Also available in ebook:


Recommended for 8 to 12 years
Binding: Softcover
Size: 20 20 cm x
Pages: 32
Vintage: 2003
ISBN: 978-956-8209-48-3
ISBN special edition: 978-956-364-145-5


The Chiloé tradition, the importance of the ancestors and their legends come together in a simple story that shortens the distance between the current and less insular imaginary, and the mysteries that surround Chiloé such as the fantastic Caleuche, still more fantastic illustrated here by Paloma Valdivia.

Barbara Espejo, Pop up, @popup tales.


Maria de los Angeles Pavez She is a psychologist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and has a master's degree in education from Harvard University. He has specialized in the area of ​​teacher training and evaluation in education. She frequently collaborates with Editorial Amanuta and is the author of several Amanuta books.

Pigeon Valdivia
She is an author, illustrator and editor of books, graduated in design from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and postgraduate in Illustration at the EINA School in Barcelona, ​​Spain. He has received many awards and recognitions, including the honorable mention at the Bologna Book Fair, 2014 for Little Red Riding Hood, and the 2018 Cuatrogatos Foundation award for his book Nosotros.