Written by Esperanza Habinger, a neuropsychiatrist dedicated to popular science, this book will surprise you. There is much that we understand about the brain, but even more that we do not know! Electricity circulates inside our heads and there are exchanges faster than race cars. Sole Sebastián's illustrations make learning from this informative book entertaining, with experiments and activities that will keep your brain healthy and trained.
The White Ravens Award Winning Book, 2020.
Book translated into Chinese.
Also available in ebook:
Recommended for 8 to 12 years
Design: Textured Cover Book
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 28 x 21,5 cm
Pages: 64
Vintage: 2019
ISBN: 978-956-364-104-2
The human brain is amazing in a double sense: it is exceptionally designed and capable of impressive achievements at the same time. This amazing book is dedicated, from the first page to the last, to explore this special mass lodged in our skull. It tells us about the different parts of the brain, their functions, how they communicate with each other and how they control the other parts of the body. It also talks about coordination, balance, memory and language, sensory perception, emotions, empathy, and the possibility of training our brain. The text and the many bullet-type illustrations explain all this in a clear, directed and structured way. The book conveys a wealth of information without overloading the pages or overwhelming the reader. Each chapter has invitations for simple, self-guided experiments. As we carry out these tests, for example, on our senses, our balance, or the ability to remember, we become aware of what happens in our "control center" and how this body is responsible for these achievements and abilities. .
The White Ravens 2020.
Hope Habinger He studied medicine and later specialized in child and adolescent psychiatry. He has participated in multiple conferences of the Society of Psychiatry and Adolescence. Currently, she is vice president of the Chilean Society of Bipolar Disorders, but what she is most passionate about is talking with children and young people about what they feel.
Sole Sebastian He studied design and is dedicated to illustrating books and magazines and doing workshops for adults and children. What he likes most about illustrating is that he can share feelings with others. He has illustrated several children's books.