We are convinced that knowing reading is essential to develop autonomously in society. And that reading goes beyond the mere decoding of a written text.
The OECD defines it as "the ability of the individual to understand, use, reflect on the texts and commit to them, in order to achieve personal goals, develop knowledge and personal potential and participate in society."
At the same time, reading regularly allows you to broaden your knowledge of the world, reflect on different topics, train your aesthetic sensibility, achieve greater self-knowledge, learn to put yourself in the place of others and to become an individual within society. .
Reading from an early age generates great benefits for children: it promotes oral and written expression skills, increases vocabulary, stimulates imagination, as well as emotional experiences developing empathy, and positively prepares them for future school performance.
This is why, in Amanuta we seek to promote reading through book donations, author visits to schools and libraries, talks and workshops, and much more. In this way reaching schools, libraries and low-income families throughout Chile.
Each year, our Amanuta Solidario program donates more than 2.000 books throughout Chile. Some of our activities:
○ 2018 and 2019: Fundación Arauco, Fundación Futuro, Hogar de Cristo, Municipality of Renca, Greenlibros (greenlibros.cl).
○ Friends of Panguipulli Advancement Corporation for the Cultural Baskets program for low-income schoolchildren in the Panguipulli commune, to accompany and contribute with cultural activities to children who are at home during the pandemic.
○ Municipal Corporation of Renca for the program “I learn playing…. from the garden to the house ”. Delivery of books to complement the activities that children develop from their homes during the pandemic.
Do you have a project you would like to apply for? Send us an email to donations@amanuta.cl with the objective and details of the initiative, so that our team can evaluate it.