Amanuta invites boys and girls to participate in the contest "Tales in Quarantine 2021". We want to provide a space for different voices to express what they are living or feeling in these times of pandemic and quarantine. Through writing we seek a way to empathize with the children who have been at home for so long.
The stories must be written in Spanish and have a maximum length of 500 and 1.000 words depending on the category. The contest will run until June 11 and the prizes will be gift cards to exchange for Amanuta books at
We also want to invite teachers to encourage their students to participate, since we will also have prizes for the colleges or schools where the winners come from. Boys and girls from anywhere in Chile can participate.
1. STAGESFor this contest there are two categories of participation:
a) Boys and girls up to 5th grade
b) Boys and girls from 6th grade to 8th grade
First Name
College or school:
Teacher who recommended the contest (if applicable):
Story title:
The submission format must be a document of Become to the mail
Team Amanuta, Luz María del Valle and María José Navia.
5. AWARDSIn each category there will be a winner who will receive a $ 50.000 giftcard and a second place in each category who will receive a $ 20.000 giftcard. Giftcards may be exchanged in Amanuta books at the choice of the winner. The shipping of the books will be free to any city in Chile. The college or school to which the four winners belong will also win a $ 30.000 giftcard for the course library or school / college.
10 stories will be selected in each category that will make up the digital publication that will be available at
In addition, the two winners and the 10 finalists in the 6th to 8th grade category will have a free workshop with Luz María del Valle, author of the Yacay trilogy. The date and time will be communicated the first week of July.