Caballito blanco

Illustrated by Margarita Valdes

Popular song: based on a popular song so it will be very easy to follow the reading for babies.

Little withe horse, book based on the popular song. "Little white horse, take me from here..." is the beginning of this song that has been passed down from generation to generation and has enchanted boys and girls. With this book, children will be able to relate to a song that will make them sing, repeat and memorize, allowing them to develop a reading experience from their first months of life. It is an invitation to mothers, fathers and caregivers to create an emotional bond with boys and girls from a very early age. Margarita Valdés illustrates with great delicacy and talent this classic that will make adults and children sing.


Recommended for 0 to 2 years
Binding: Boardbook
Size: 12 x 14,5 cm
Pages: 16
Vintage: 2021
ISBN: 978-956-364-244-5

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Margarita Valdes She has a degree in Artistic Studies from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and then a diploma in Illustration and Comics from ELISAVA in Barcelona. She has collaborated with several publishers. Among her illustrated books for Amanuta are My body talksIt Wizard of Oz, Extraordinary objects