In this book we wanted to go in search of 101 particularly disgusting, funny and entertaining facts. And understand what they are and what they are about. So, to wrinkle your nose, have fun and learn, feeling a little disgusted!
Originally published in Dutch.
Also available in ebook:
Recommended for 8 to 12 years
Design: covered with fluorine ink.
Binding: Softcover
Size: 21 17 cm x
Pages: 128
Vintage: 2020
ISBN: 978-956-364-111-0
Category: 12 + years, 8-12 years, Food, Animals, Science, The Body, Cultures, Curiosity, Curiosities, Experiments, History, Humour, Non-fiction, Insects, Irony, Book, Madeleine van derRaad, Mathilda masters, Environment, Heritage and culture, People, Plants, Sensations