Once again, the Uruguayan writer Horacio Quiroga delights his readers with a story that, combining real and fantastic elements, invites a reflection on solidarity, gratitude and will. A man goes into the jungle to cure himself of a disease. There he finds a turtle that has been injured by a tiger. He could make her his food, but instead he decides to help her, drawing on his meager strength. What the protagonist does not know is that the roles will soon be reversed. The illustrations by Antonia Ruiz-Tagle of great expressive force and lines that recall the Latin American muralist tradition, make this book a classic for all ages.
Also available in ebooks:
Recommended for 5 to 8 years
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 20 x 20 cm
Pages: 32
Vintage: 2017
ISBN: 978-956-364-031-1
Horace Quiroga (1878-1937) was a Uruguayan short story writer and poet. His work is considered within naturalism and modernism, and many of his stories were based on real events. Throughout his life he lived through many tragedies, which strongly influenced his work. Tales of love, madness and death (1917) is considered his most emblematic work.
Antonia ruiz tagle, Chilean visual artist and illustrator. He has dedicated himself to self-management in independent drawing fairs with illustrations and fanzines such as Dimensión Rhöm, Un día en Inio and Benigno. In 2016 they published one of their drawings in Latin Colors from the University of Palermo. Illustrated for Amanuta The giant turtle, by the author Horacio Quiroga, published in 2017.
Category: 5-8 years, Friendship, Antonia ruiz tagle, Classic tale, Fiction, Horace Quiroga, Book