Atlas americano

De Alejandra Vega, natalie guerra 
Illustrated by Sun Undurraga

This illustrated atlas presents all the countries of the American continent, with information compiled by two Chilean historians and complemented by citizens of the different countries, seeking to give a more complete look at the identity of each country. Aspects of physical, political and economic geography are incorporated as well as aspects of ecology, different languages, landscape, daily practices and activities, national traditions, characters from history and popular culture, tangible and intangible heritage, environmental challenges and their problems among others, illustrated by Sol Undurraga.

Book translated into Chinese and Korean.

Also available in ebook:


Recommended for 8 to 12 years
Design: Gender marker
Binding: Hardcover
Size: 37 28 cm x
Pages: 60
Vintage: 2017
ISBN: 978-956-364-008-3


An atlas is a book that brings together a selection of maps. It is a type of book invented by printers and geographers 500 years ago. The American continent itself, as a geographical unit, was invented at that time, when different actors from the European world appropriated distant territories to pour their economic, religious and political aspirations into them. Over the decades and centuries, the experiences of American societies made it possible to develop new ideas, projects and maps of the space we inhabit today.

This American Atlas gathers a long tradition in which the map serves to imagine, show, know and travel the world with the eyes. In this atlas we have tried to give an account of the richness of the history of our continent, in which indigenous peoples and different migrant cultures from Europe, Africa and other parts of the world converge.

Alejandra Vega and Natalie Guerra.


Alejandra Vega She has a doctorate in History from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and did undergraduate studies at the University of Paris VII, Jussieu. Academic at the Center for Latin American Cultural Studies of the University of Chile, she is interested in the formative period of American colonial society.

natalie guerra has investigated about the cultural representations of childhood in colonial Chile and Mexico. He was responsible for the reissue of the book Rimas de Laura Bustos. Poetry of a girl from the 2011th century (Cuarto Propio, XNUMX) and researcher in charge of the Fondart project “Gabriela Mistral in Los Andes: poetry and local history”. He currently works in the field of education at the Undersecretary of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Cultures, Chile).

Sol Undurraga Machicao (Woman Gallina) studied architecture and since 2011 she works as an illustrator. He illustrated the American Atlas book edited by Amanuta. He won the Opera Prima award at Bologna Children's Book Fair 2018 and the Green Island award in Korea with his book La Plage, edited by L´agrume in France and translated and edited by Wellmade Pictures Books in South Korea and Sapocast in Chile.